Leading Hand

Leading Hand
Posted 2 years ago

A Flexem Leading Hand is the 2nd in charge on site and assists the foreman in supervision and with hands-on works. For instance:

  1. Building ICP walls and ceilings 
  2. Installing minor stainless steel metal works (e.g., angles, cuppings and bollards)
  3. Installing wall claddings- finish products
  4. Installing shelves and whiteboards.
  5. Disconnecting/connecting plumbing fixtures
  6. Installing other fixture and fittings 

Our Leading Hand is expected to become proficient in the Flexem online WHSE system including trades inductions and daily sign in/out.

Strong experience with tools is a must, while a carpentry training and experience is preferable but not always necessary.

Apply Online


A valid phone number is required.

Tell us anything you want us to know about yourself and that would make us want to open your resume to know more:

Imagine we are speaking to 3x referees of yours (or past employers) about their working with you. When we ask them to rank their experience with you, how do you think they would rank you:

From 1 (they want to forget) to 10 (We will be mad not to hire you).

(Please note that if the form is not fully completed, your application will not be considered and you will not receive a reply from us. You aren’t a bot, are you?)