You receive a panic phone call from your broker sometime in 1987 advising you to sell all your shares in Alcoa. In less than one year later, you discover that you missed out on a record profit (and counting). What actually happened is...
Checklists are beneath you only if you humbly let them lift you to new heights.
Every single success story we’ve had at FLEXEM can be linked directly or indirectly to a checklist. Yet, these simple (but incredibly powerful) tools seem to face resistance at the deeper level than mere 'laziness'.
The enlightened service we aspire to…
This book always comes to mind when we hear about growth for the sake of growth. But this excerpt from the book is about 'enlightened' service. This is our high bar.
Riddle me this: What am I?
Can you guess what I am? 1) I helped win the war against the Nazis...
What am I? Check!
This post has the answer to a riddle I posted earlier under "Riddle me this: What am I?" – check it out before you read on...
How to aim for the moon…and back.
There is a clear recipe on how to set massive goals and how to achieve them. But only a few like to admit this, and fewer still follow the recipe with patience & humility.
For client solutions, wouldn’t we love to act like children?
Is growing up the enemy of creativity? This insightful experiment says it can be.